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博导英文怎么说 还有导师, 还有mentor是什么意思,跟supervisor有什么区别呢?


讲师 lecturer

教差仔授 professor


博士生导师粗庆罩:doctoral supervisor或者是PHD supervisor


问题一:本科论文的"导师"英语怎么表达? 通常有:




mentor 是比较常用

问题二:本科毕业论文中的指导老师英语怎么说 本科毕业论文中的指导老师 英语说法如下:

advisers in undergraduate graduation thesis



n. 顾问,劝告者; 指导教授,导师(美大学)


undergraduate graduation thesis

问题三:论文中指导老师 英文怎么翻译? 指导老师

n. adviser


语言指导老师 Tutor ; English Tutor

指导老师电邮地址 Teacher's Email-address

指导老师制度 adviser system

医学预科指导老师 premed advisor

大学指导老师 university faculty advisor ; University instructor

资深指导老师 Senior Instructor ; Senior Instr

人指导老师 personal tutor

升学指导老师 College Counselor

选择一个指导老师 choosing an lnstructor



Each student has an adviser and an individual learning program.


These are the same advisers who counsel families to spend money on the fancybrochures.

3.我的指导老师是一位典型的不列颠圣保罗学校毕业的苏格兰人。 我觉得她喜欢羞辱那些比她更有优秀的人。 因为她对我说,我们要想办法来掩盖你是博士生的事实。

My adviser" was the Scots incarnation of Little Britain's Pauline, who relished humiliating people better qualified than herself: We have to find ways of hidingthe fact you've got a PhD, she said.

问题四:毕业论文导师英语怎么说 这是专有名词

Thesis advisor。。。论文指导老师

问题五:毕业论文的指导老师用英语怎么说 tutor


问题六:赎渎 是什么意思 抵消;弥补。

问题七:在导师的悉心指导下,完成了论文用英语怎么说 Under the guidance of the tutor, pleted the paper




英 [ˈtiːtʃə(r)]   美 [ˈtiːtʃər]  


The new teacher really brought French to life for us.


Students should aim to become more independent of their teachers.


His first music teacher was a major influence in his life.


Teachers are up against some major problems these days.


The fact remains that we are still two teachers short.



问题一:硕士生导师英文应该怎么说 supervisor,注意tutor是不对的!tutor在大学里面相当于国内的辅导誉型清员,比庆前助教还低一个档次的教师。

问题二:“硕士生导师”的英文怎么说? MA student adviser(u浮ed in the US)/supervisor(used in Britain)

this is reported by 21st Century

问题三:“硕士生导师”怎么翻译啊? 导师的标准翻译是 supervisor。最常用了。虽然teacher之类的意思也对,但是……

Supervisor of master students.

问题四:“硕士生导师”的英文怎么说 MA student adviser(used in the US)/supervisor(used in Britain)

this is reported by 21st Century

问题五:研究生导师的“导师”的英文是什么? 研究生导师:

1. research supervisor

2. graduate teacher


1. tutor

2. teacher

Relative explainations:


1. 我的导师是一位学识渊博的学者。

My tutor is an acplished scholar.

2. 她兼做导师工作和研究工作.

Her work was divided between tutoring a订d research.

3. 她的导师说她进步租猛很大.

Her tutor says she is making good progress.

4. 这位研究生得一个字一个字地读他导师写的东西。

The graduate student has to spell out what his tutor had written.

问题六:导师用英语怎么说 导师用英语怎么说

professor专指(大学)教授 instructor在美国就等于teacher 导师你可以直接说teacher的 上面两个就instructor适合点 tutor是家庭教师,大学的指导教师

问题七:博导英文怎么说 助教: tutor

讲师 lecturer

教授 professor


博士生导师:doctoral supervisor或者是PHD supervisor

问题八:“导师”用英语怎么说? professor专指(大学)教授







 游渗渗  导师推荐信英文一

Dear colleagues:

ms. xxx requested a letter of reference from me to support her application for graduate studies at your university. As her research adviser when she was a graduate student in my school of science beijing university of chemical technology, i am pleased to comply with her request.

I have known ms. zhang since 2003, when she was admitted as a master of science candidate into the school. as her research adviser, i directed her research and found her a promising youth radiating with intelligence and creativity. during her first year, she got a very good record in major courses and earnd good scores major and general gpa 3.3. She particularly enjoyed challenging areas of studies such as quantum chemistry and theory of electrochemistry.

During the following two years, ms. zhang worked on a computational theory study of inorganic functional materials project for his degree thesis “theoretical study of electronic structures of several representative metal element in the hydrotalcite slabsrdquo to make the theory model meet the actual materials, she faced down many practical problems, such as building reasonable module of inorganic materials, and calculation techniques. working hard and independently, she cracked The problems one by one, and came up with a thesis that was characterized by academic excellence. During her m.s. period, she had three papers published in international journals.

Judging by her outstanding performance while she studied with me, i am convinced that ms. zhang has acquired the knowledge and intellectual sophistication on the basis of which she can undertake world-class training. I therefore lend her my enthusiastic and would appreciate your favorable consideration of her application.


To Whom it May Concern: I highly recommend XXX as a candidate for a teaching/tutoring position. I have worked with XXX in my position as __________(关系). . While a student at Dongseo University, Korea, XXX was involved in various teaching related-positions including teaching a museum program to youth classes. XXX has a wonderful rapport with people of all ages, especially children and youth. His/her ability to connect with his/her students and his/her talent at teaching simple concepts, as well as more advanced topics, are both truly superior. He/She has excellent written and verbal communication skills, is extremely organized, reliable and computer literate. XXX can work independently and is able to follow through to ensure that the job gets done. He/She accomplishes these tasks with great initiative and with a very positive attitude. I recommend XXX to you without reservation. If you have any further questions with regard to her background or qualifications, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely,


o Whom this May Concern:

My name isxxx, and I am the English teacher of Class 2, Senior 3, xxx Secondary School. I know xxx very well given that I have been teaching her English since Senior 1.

She has always been the top student in my class; and, as my assistant, she has always been of great help to me. Her outstanding presentation on the esteemed director Tim Burton impressed me deeply, for her English speaking ability is superior to her fellow students, as well as her knowledge of western culture.

Different from many students suffering from English learning, xxx takes great delight in English. She is versatile and able to integrate her various hobbies into English learning. For example, she won many prizes in the National Teenagers’ Painting Competition, and she is a popular cartoon expert. With her power of influence, she illustrated cartoons for English books and donated her publishing funds to public charity.

xxx likes reading very much and reads a great deal of English and Chinese books in her spare time. She shows her special affinity for history and reads world history and American history books in English. In addition, she is an enthusiastic and warm-hearted girl who always participates or arranges charity activities passionately. For example, in order to throw a great party with the children in SOS Children’s Institution, she and several classmates devoted themselves to designing interactive games, as well as selecting music and songs, which brought fun and wonderful moments to the children. What’s more, she still keeps contact with the kids there and they just love her for her enthusiasm and kindness. She once told me that it is a great pleasure to help those who are in need.

When xxx informed me that she is preparing for furthering her education in the US, I thought it would indeed be great for her. Due to my knowledge of the US educational system, I am confident that she will be even better since the education there gives her far more options to accomplish what she is interested in. Therefore, I recommend her to further her studies in the US, and I sincerely hope that you will admit her forthwith.

You may contact me via e-mail: ........, or cell phone: .......; and my address is..........., Tianjin, China.

Referrer: xxx




[网络] supervisor; dissertation adviser; thesis supervisor;


Then, my thesis supervisor said "But you're wrong, Erlang is extremely object oriented".

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